GreenTech Tests Green Tech(nology)



Testing panel



Building mounting system


Installing first solar panels


Halfway through




In an effort to “green” its own building and provide a test site for an innovative renewable energy system, GreenTech Energy Services applied for and was awarded a grant from the PSE&G Technology Demonstration Program.  The resulting project, several years in the making, is finally nearing completion.


GreenTech designed and installed a renewable environmental system that reduces air conditioning load by removing humidity non-mechanically.  This technology was interfaced with a hybrid solar system that produces PV and thermal heat all in one.


The centerpiece of the project is an HVAC system that lowers energy costs by more than 40% compared to standard HVAC systems. It does this by using a liquid desiccant membrane to remove the humidity from incoming air and discharge it to the outdoors. (It takes less than half the amount of energy to cool air that has been dehumidified.) In addition to cutting energy usage and creating a dryer, more comfortable environment, the system also eliminates 95% of airborne microorganisms.


Integrated into this HVAC system is a rooftop hybrid solar module that combines the functions of both a thermal solar collector and PV module. This provides the facility with most if not all of its electrical needs as well as heat, thereby making the HVAC system even more energy efficient.


At this point, the solar panels have been installed and the ductwork for the HVAC system has been built. Now all we have to do is hook everything together – wiring, plumbing, interconnections, etc.. The photos above show our progress so far.


GreenTech Energy Services
Phone: 856-439-9400
122 East Kings Highway, Ste 503
Maple Shade, NJ 08052